release date: 13 september 2022
listen to episode 70 on soundcloud
A small mustard tin from India, a paulownia box for a teabowl from Japan, a dried starfish, limpet shells, a whirlygig made from a beer can, vehicle flattened bottle caps collected from the streets, a steel street sweeper bristle aquiver on the edge of a wooden desk, tiny seashells in a ceramic bowl and that paulownia box, the spiky woody seedpod of the tree Flindersia australis or Crow’s Ash, a soft-bristled shoe brush made and bought in Kyoto, offcuts of super-thin aluminium dropped onto a marble bench-top, a field recording made on a warm afternoon in a forest on Bidjigal country north-west of Sydney where I live on the pacific coast of Australia.
Collected recently with a few different mics and recorders, these are the sonic materials I used to shape this episode through processes of layering, filtering, time-smearing, teasing, distorting, fragmenting, listening close, re-arranging and listening again… and again.
I offer the resulting composition ‘adrift, afloat, a wandering…’ to the genie of your aural curiosity.