release date: 21 june 2022
listen on soundcloud
Introduced by a guest host – a synthesised text-to-voice software voice found on the internet – this composition, ‘grumbling flowers’, is an offering for studio listening, built from sounds derived from a few aluminium beer tins emptied of their contents and deconstructed into component parts, teasing sounds forth at each stage of their breakdown.
Additional sounds were captured from containers in the kitchen larder and from a few files from the hard drive library.
As ever in the sonic sketchbooks world, original sound recordings have been distorted, manipulated, mangled, enhanced, slowed and carefully layered to create an atmospheric abstract soundscape.
By ‘studio listening’ my sense is that you, the listener, might be at work in your studio or creative space, making something, whatever that might be, and these sounds, this podcast, drifts around between foreground and background, feeding your imagination with its unusual sonic nutrients.
I hope you find the wander of interest.