release date: 09 november 2021
listen on soundcloud
During the most recent 3-month COVID lockdown here in Sydney Australia, to maintain creative engagement I did a small project titled ‘digital dusk’, a series of daily one minute abstract digital video works posted to Instagram.
Each video was made by setting up a kinetic event that I videoed with my iPhone and used as source material for extreme filter manipulation in Final Cut Pro.
Sounds were generated from combinations of my micro-electronics digital sound gear including the Koma FieldKit FX, LittleBits/Korg synthesiser kit, the Bastl Kastle and a few portable speakers, often with sound-generating attachments and placed in boxes and other containers to weird their sound output. Sounds were captured live in the space, usually the bedroom.
After playing around with both sound and vision, the day’s outputs were paired, in a Cageian fashion, and posted. The process was immediate and generative – each day’s output leading to progressive experiments the following day.
Of course, much more media was generated than used. This podcast revisits a selection of the digital dusk source audio – repurposed, re-effected, layered and sequenced to create this new composition put together on a rainy Sunday.