release date: 30 march 2021
listen on soundcloud
guest episode: Laura Altman
On the morning of the 2nd of February 2021 – a warm and humid summer day – I caught the light rail tram out to Arlington in Sydney’s inner western suburbs and walked up to Dulwich Hill to the apartment of musician and composer Laura Altman to talk with her about her busy creative life with experimental music.
Laura is a clarinetist and improviser who joyfully explores all the sonic possibilities of that 17th century instrument and mainstay of classical orchestras and chamber ensembles. She is a long time active member of Sydney’s fabled Splinter Orchestra and a musical collaborator in duos and trios with fellow improvisers such as accordionist and pianist Monica Brooks, Berlin-based pianist of the prepared piano, Magda Mayas, guitarist Nick Ashwood, saxophonist Peter Farrar, the late Cor Fuhler and many others.
Laura also works to publish experimental music through the label Caterpillar, and is one of the organisers of the online information portal EMUS – exploratory music sydney – a calendar and newsletter for improvised, exploratory, experimental music and sound art in Sydney and surrounds – find that excellent resource at emus-dot-space
Various of Laura’s works are available on bandcamp and you can find out more at her website lauraaltman.net, and more about Sydney’s lively exploratory music and sound art scenes at EMUS
04:30 – 05:40 + 08:05 – 09:15
GW recording of Splinter Orchestra performance at Articulate project space, Leichhardt, Sydney 30 July 2017
splinter orchestra bandcamp link
10:30 – 15:30
Laura Altman & Monica Brooks
‘concurrent II’ from ‘as is’, a limited edition CD and digital album released October 2012
as is on bandcamp
17:20 – 28:30
Laura Altman & Nick Ashwood
‘poltergeist’ from ‘Battery’
digital album released May 2020
Battery on bandcamp
32:20 – 42:20
The Great Waitress (Laura Altman, Monica Brooks, Magda Mayas)
‘Sownder’ from ‘Flock’
limited edition CD + digital album released January 2014
Flock on bandcamp